AFRICA/Wild Elephants
51 images Created 13 Nov 2013
The most iconic of African animals, wild elephants are a supreme wonder to spend time with. The family and social behavior is fascinating, as is their enormous size and ninja-like stealth movements. Unfortunately, in 2012 the price of ivory , which is the tusk of the elephant, reached unsustainably high levels and the future of these truly majestic beasts is now very uncertain. A recent finding, published in the New York Times, indicated 60% of wild forest elephants in Africa have been lost BETWEEN 2002 and 2012. This is an animal that has been around for millions of years! Immediate action is required. *100 % of the proceeds of all sales of photos with elephants as the subject will go to charity organizations that fight to end illegal poaching. Please click on "50% Charity Pledge" on the homepage for more information* Thanks for helping elephants!